Friday, April 2, 2010

You also should wash one another’s feet.

Holy Thursday's Readings

The final acts of Jesus before his death are his last chance to etch his deeds and words into our memories. So the purposefulness of his actions in this passage are heightened almost to breaking point. Jesus chose to enact without doubt the essence of a serving community, and his example of washing feet is a most humble act of service.

This deed is his last will and testament to all of us: ‘For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.’ Today we ponder whether what Jesus started has stopped at the church door or whether it has reached beyond that to what we do as individuals, as a church and as a society in our everyday lives.

"Father, may I be awed by the implications of receiving Your eucharistic, crucified, and risen Son."

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